Woman punched, strangled in Mt. Orab hotel, man arrested


by Aaron Gibson, April 15, 2016

A Georgetown man is under arrest accused of strangling a woman until she almost lost consciousness and then repeatedly punching her in front of her three children on April 13.

Frank Maxfield turned himself in to authorities Friday morning for the alleged assault. He has been charged with second-degree felony assault and first-degree misdemeanor domestic violence.

Maxfield is accused of punching the mother of his child five times with a closed fist and strangling her at Country Inn Suites in Mt. Orab on Wednesday morning.

According to an affidavit written by Det. Jason Hahn of Mt. Orab Police, a young boy and two other children, all age 8 and below, ran from their room to the hotel lobby screaming for the front desk clerk to call 911 after the incident.

Maxfield allegedly fled the scene at some point before police arrived.

Hahn said he observed two red bumps above one of the victim’s eyes and red marks along the victim’s throat from the suspected assault. The victim declined to be transported to the hospital.

Maxfield pleaded not guilty on Friday morning. He is currently in jail being held on a $50,000 cash, surety or property bond.

Brown County Crime Reporter, April 15, 2016 9:51 AM EST

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16 thoughts on “Woman punched, strangled in Mt. Orab hotel, man arrested

  1. Really!?!?! When this happened to me by Michael Gaghan u did nothing!! Not even a charge on him or anything for me!?!?!?!?! I have hospital records to show u too!! I have the deputies name as well!!


  2. ??? I don’t think your case has anything to do with this one hun. if you have an issue with the police department or think they didn’t handle your case fairly then there are people you can and should contact. Coming on the county reporters Facebook page and commenting under a complete strangers incident isn’t going to get you very far. Just thought I’d throw it put there, that there is something you can do about it but this isn’t it nor is it the place to take your incident. You can also file charges against the abuser yourself and go to the prpsecutor yourself. If I were you I’d start there. Take all your paperwork and “proof”. Hope this helps.


  3. They need to take a closer look at mom. Of course she did not want to go get checked out. Have these kids been in school? Could mom have passed a drug test? Who has been paying for a roof over her kids head. Why of course not her. She is just an innocent victim. RIGHT!


    1. I completely agree with you. Yeah you got to look more into it. Look.at her Facebook and she don’t seem completely innocent at all.


    2. Drug test should of been done to rule that one out. Because I hear she has beat up other men in her past. She could of beat up herself and blaimed on Frank. But I wish they would of done a drug test on her. And who’s to say she ddint coach the children to running and yelling Call 911..those poor children. Hopefully CPS is involved


  4. well now i wasnet there n i dont no those people…but if this storys true the kids must have seen it if they yelled for the desk to call 911…kids that age i dont think theyd make it up just cus the mom tells them to


  5. I was black n blue, had to have total knee replacement, was my x husbands 3rd domestic, he gets 90 days in jail, should been prison. Clermont county did nothing, now in the divorce looks like money talk, well his parents money, he came in Marraige with clothes n1990 Honda…my brick home he burned down was my inheritance,so he gonna get his way. .cops let these men get away with this…well clermont county sheriff s do…Ryan maloney will rot in hell. ..


  6. Read the report. If a grown man punched a female 5 times with a closed fist she would have had more than two red bumps on her eye. It say 5 times and only two punches are accounted for. Where the other three marks. Also where is the swelling, bruising, cuts ect. Look at the page right after it happened and she don’t look like anything happened to her. The same thing was pulled with her ex and all charges were dismissed. She admitted in court she did it to herself. The story doesn’t make since to someone being beating by a man.


  7. This girl has done this to herself with past men. She has 6 kids and on dope. She had her kids and baby living in the car. They only had a room two nights because her brother was worried about the baby. She refused to go to the homeless shelter with her kids because she couldn’t leave at night to go get her dope.


  8. This girl is the definition of crazy! She has a long history of drug use, child neglect, false allegations, and narcissism. She should not have a single one of her children. They’ve been to over a dozen different schools and the only thing she does to provide for her kids is hook up with men to pay for her, her kids, and drug habit. You’d think someone in the legal system would eventually figure her out. I pray for the kids


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